Antal hunde | | Placering | Point | ||
Nr 1 |
Blaaholms Joker |
73 |
Regnr: DK17563/2008
Race: Grand danois, gul/tigret Ejer: Camilla Staunskjær, Tove Staunskjær |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 17784 | 2.BIG | 37 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 0703 | 2.BIS | 19 |
18 sep. | Ballerup | 3068 | 2149 | 2.BIG | 9 |
01 maj | Hillerød | 2785 | 1764 | 2.BIG | 8 |
Nr 2 |
Ayrzol Ozone |
63 |
Regnr: DK13498/2007
Race: Skotsk terrier Ejer: Lotte Frøkjær Knudsen, John Steffensen |
30 jan. | Fredericia | 2713 | 0212 | 1.BIS | 21 |
06 nov. | Herning | 3030 | 1117 | 2.BIS | 19 |
01 maj | Hillerød | 2785 | 2367 | 2.BIS | 18 |
14 aug. | Vejen | 2411 | 0596 | 3.BIG | 5 |
Nr 3 |
Roseheavens's Fabian Society |
53 |
Regnr: 14653/2006
Race: Japanese Ejer: Grete Højer |
30 jan. | Fredericia | 2713 | 2795 | 2.BIS | 18 |
14 aug. | Vejen | 2411 | 2454 | 3.BIS | 15 |
01 maj | Hillerød | 2785 | 1310 | 3.BIG | 7 |
06 nov. | Herning | 3030 | 3200 | 3.BIG | 7 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 2680 | 4.BIG | 6 |
Nr 4 |
Smash Jp Talk About |
51 |
Regnr: JKCPT 00347/05
Race: Pudel,toy Ejer: Mamoru Oyama |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 13156 | 1.BIS | 51 |
Nr 5 |
Banana Joe V. Tani Kazari |
48 |
Regnr: NHSB 2649490
Race: Affenpinscher Ejer: W. Truesdale |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 15672 | 2.BIS | 48 |
Nr 6 |
Magik Rainbow Ordinar |
46 |
Regnr: RKF 1900090
Race: Korthåret dværg gravhund Ejer: V. & V. IVANOVY |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 18594 | 3.BIS | 46 |
Nr 7 |
Al-Nacira Bint Roula von Haussman |
45 |
Regnr: SE10788/2010
Race: Afghansk mynde Ejer: S Westerblad E Levén |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 07605 | 4.BIS | 45 |
Nr 8 |
Shiraz California Dreamin |
44 |
Regnr: S30992/2007
Race: Saluki, langhåret Ejer: Nicklas & Ingunn Eriksson |
06 nov. | Herning | 3030 | 3308 | 1.BIS | 22 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 3257 | 1.BIS | 22 |
Nr 9 |
Cordmaker Hurdy Gurdy |
43 |
Regnr: DK15988/2008
Race: Puli, øvrige farver Ejer: Bodil Rüsz, Sue C Huebner |
14 aug. | Vejen | 2411 | 1555 | 2.BIS | 17 |
18 sep. | Ballerup | 3068 | 0283 | 1.BIG | 7 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 0109 | 1.BIG | 7 |
06 nov. | Herning | 3030 | 0297 | 2.BIG | 6 |
30 jan. | Fredericia | 2713 | 1466 | 2.BIG | 6 |
Nr 10 |
Sieger's Pool Position |
40 |
Regnr: 19744/2003
Race: Engelsk springer spaniel Ejer: Kaj Bauer Madsen |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 02862 | 2.BIG | 21 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 2528 | 1.BIG | 7 |
30 jan. | Fredericia | 2713 | 1020 | 1.BIG | 6 |
14 aug. | Vejen | 2411 | 1108 | 1.BIG | 6 |
Nr 11 |
Treis Pinheiros Matisse Sw |
40 |
Regnr: DK20651/2008
Race: Ruhåret gravhund Ejer: Camilla Hübbe |
18 sep. | Ballerup | 3068 | 2870 | 2.BIS | 19 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 1530 | 3.BIS | 17 |
01 maj | Hillerød | 2785 | 2617 | 1.BIG | 4 |
Nr 12 |
Japaro Eye of The Storm |
39 |
Regnr: KCSB 2965CT
Race: Shetland sheepdog Ejer: Finn Helge Olsen, M. Nixon, J. E. Nixon |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 00134 | 1.BIG | 24 |
06 nov. | Herning | 3030 | 0173 | 1.BIG | 7 |
07 nov. | Herning | 3007 | 0069 | 4.BIG | 4 |
18 sep. | Ballerup | 3068 | 0316 | 4.BIG | 4 |
Nr 13 |
Gloris Shock Dog |
36 |
Regnr: RKF 1993557
Race: Riesenschnauzer, sort Ejer: Seliverstova Olga |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 14779 | 3.BIG | 36 |
Nr 14 |
Jade East Rockets Red Glare |
35 |
Regnr: AKC NP17121505
Race: Shar pei Ejer: L.B. Anders |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 16973 | 4.BIG | 35 |
Nr 15 |
Dacun Kaylens He's A Heartbreaker |
32 |
Regnr: AKC PR09811603
Race: Pudel, stor, brun/hvid/sort Ejer: Kay Peiser |
24 jun. | Herning | 17765 | 13645 | 2.BIG | 32 |