25 nov. 2023

Dansk Schnauzer Og Pinscher Klub

Specialklub udstilling

Køge Nord Sport Center



Katalognr. 0023 
Nina Olsson
Situlas - Tysk Pinscher
Plac. 1     HP ÆP    Kritik

Breeders class of four dogs - 2 couples of siblings. Functional dogs of correct bodystructure. Even if the head types appear a little bit different, the breeder is having the correct type in mind, and is using the genetic variation. I appriciate very much the effort and knowledge. Thank you for showing me several dogs.
0017  SE15282/2020
Situlas Henfred
0022  SE15286/2020
Situlas Ädla
0015  SE54736/2022
Situlas Albert
0018  SE54739/2022
Situlas Stina

Katalognr. 0045 
Helle Chrysidis, Stavros Chrysidis
Mohner's - Schnauzer, Peber/Salt
Plac. 1     HP ÆP    Kritik

Breeders class out of two combinations. I am very pleased to see schnauzer so high in standard. Very typey and without exagiration. The breeder is taking care of correct type and also of one very important in the breed: coatstructure and colour. The dogs are correct in size and due to the functional angulations - great moves Thank you for your work.
0036  DK02954/2022
Mohner's Johnny Logan
0040  DK02957/2022
Mohner's Jada
0034  DK22191/2022
Mohner's Kenaz Krampus
0039  DK22198/2022
Mohner's Kilimanjaro Kleopatra