Vejen - Nordisk
Cairn Terrier |
Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 26
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 32 Dommer: Tino Pehar |
Bedst i racen - BIR | ||||
Hjohoo's Hjo Are Simply The Best |
Katalognr.: 0938
Ejer: Elisabeth Theodorsson Sverige | ||||
Opdrætter: Elisabeth Theodorsson Sverige | ||||
Registreringsnummer: SE45092/2018 USCH SECH JPCH
Udstilling information
Klasse: Championklasse |
Bedst i modsat køn - BIM | ||||
Hjohoo's I'm Perfect For Hjo |
Katalognr.: 0947
Ejer: Elisabeth Theodorsson Sverige | ||||
Opdrætter: Elisabeth Theodorsson Sverige | ||||
Registreringsnummer: SE68894/2021 AGRIAW23
Udstilling information
Klasse: Mellemklasse |
Bedste baby | ||||
Sasjacairns Jazzista |
Katalognr.: 0928
Ejer: Henrik Pedersen Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Henrik Pedersen 8300 Odder Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK05875/2023
Udstilling information
Klasse: Babyklasse |
Bedste hvalp | ||||
Cairnsters Shooting Star |
Katalognr.: 0930
Ejer: Lilian Steffensen Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Satu Järvinen 6715 Esbjerg N Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK22381/2022
Udstilling information
Klasse: Hvalpeklasse |
Bedste veteran | ||||
Cairnsters King's Guard |
Katalognr.: 0942
Ejer: Nana Berg Christensen Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Satu Järvinen 6715 Esbjerg N Danmark | ||||
Udstilling information
Klasse: Veteranklasse |
Hanner | ||||
Babyklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | 0926 Kritik | Facius Dont Worry Be Happy | |
14 weeks old, beautiful young boy, super proportions of body, beautiful head with lovely baby expression, nice ears, beautiful neck for baby, excellent body structure for his age, excellent angulations, lovely movements for baby
Registreringsnummer: DK08292/2023
Opdrætter |
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0930 Kritik | Cairnsters Shooting Star |
nearly 9 months old, strong boy, nice in type, typical masculine head, excellent eye expression, enough long neck, excellent top line, good body structure for age, typical front, excellent rear angulations, very good movements for age
Registreringsnummer: DK22381/2022
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK Jun.CERT | 0933 Kritik | Cale Hill's Meet Mr Right |
11 months old, very nice in type, correct head with nice expression, beautiful neck well placed on body, excellent topline, correct tail set and carriage, nice fore chest and front, excellent rear angulations, very nice and sound movements, excellent coat quality
Registreringsnummer: DK19061/2022 BORNHJV23
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0932 Kritik | Secura sweet's Bad boy | |
9 months old, quite compact in body, good head shape, correct eye expression, correct ears, could have a little better neck, good top line, a little low set tail, good angulations in front, moderate at rear, could have a little more drive in movements
Registreringsnummer: DK19979/2022
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BHK | 0934 Kritik | Nordcairn's You Can't Hurry Love |
2 years old, strong male, compact in body, good head shape, excellent ears, nice long neck well placed on body, correct top line, excellent tail set a little high carried, excellent front with nice fore chest, excellent angulations front and rear, nice movements, excellent coat
Registreringsnummer: DK20367/2020
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0935 Kritik | Sasjacairns Enzo |
3 years old, medium strong, excellent proportions, good head with correcvt eye shape, could have better neck, good top line and tail set, good angulations, in movements a little narrow behind
Registreringsnummer: DK04834/2020
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BHK CERT NCAC BIR | 0938 Kritik | Hjohoo's Hjo Are Simply The Best |
4 years old, strong male, good proportions, lovely head with masculine expression, beautiful neck, very nice top line and tail set, excellent developed rib cage, good front with enough fore chest, correct angulations behind, eye catching movements
Registreringsnummer: SE45092/2018 USCH SECH JPCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BHK R.CERT R.NCAC | 0940 Kritik | Hjohoo's Hjour Hallelujah Moment |
5 years old, nice in type, well balanced body, masculine head, good eye shape, nice neck, excellent top line and tail set, super body structure, excellent angulations, eye catching movements
Registreringsnummer: ROI 22/66429 ITCH
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | CK | 0941 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Barclay |
4 years old, compact in body, typical head, dark eyes with good expression, very nice out line, good body structure, excellent tail set and carriage, correct angulations, fantastic movements
Registreringsnummer: DK07705/2019 DKCH
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | CK | 0937 Kritik | Cale Hill's Jump the Gun |
4 years old, strong male, good proportions, good head shape, correct eyes and ears, strong neck, good top line and tailk set, could have a little better front, well developed rib cage, good rear angulations, nice side movements
Registreringsnummer: DK15547/2019 DKCH DKKJUBV22 BORNHV22 KLBCH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0936 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Skyr | ||
3 years old, strong boy, good length of body, correct head, good eye shape, could have a little better neck, good top line, well set tail, typical front, excellent angulations behind, good side movements
Registreringsnummer: DK15791/2020 DKCH HAHV22
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0939 Kritik | Nordcairn's Walk Me Home | ||
4 years old,good proprotions for body, beautiful head, good eye shape, has enough neck, nice out line, correct tail, could have a little better laid back of shoulders, excewllent angulations behind, very sound movements
Registreringsnummer: DK11896/2019 DKCH DKV22
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BHK BIK | 0942 Kritik | Cairnsters King's Guard |
9 years old, very nice in type, beutiful head and expression, excellent ears, beautiful neck and top line, excellent tail set, super front and fore chest, excellent angulations, eye chatching movement
Opdrætter |
Tæver | ||||
Babyklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0928 Kritik | Sasjacairns Jazzista |
4 months old, beautiful young baby, excellent proportions of body, correct head, typical expression, nice ears, excellent top line, lovely tail set,e excellent development of rib cage for age, excellent angulations, good movements for baby
Registreringsnummer: DK05875/2023
Opdrætter |
2 | SL SL | 0927 Kritik | Facius Dancing Queen | |
3 1/2 months old, good length of body, corerect head with typical baby expressiion, nice neck and topline, correct tail set and carriage, good front, correct angulations behind, good movmements for age
Registreringsnummer: DK08296/2023
Opdrætter |
3 | SL SL | 0929 Kritik | Bushwillow's I Have A Dream | |
3 1/2 months old, beautiful girl, well balanced in body, nice head, lovely baby expression, nice ears shape, nice strong back for baby, well angulated, moves like a baby should do
Registreringsnummer: DK07142/2023
Opdrætter |
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
IM | Ikke mødt | 0931 Kritik | Linjas Made By Us | |
Registreringsnummer: DK22373/2022
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK Jun.CERT | 0944 Kritik | Hjohoo's Better Hjo Get Use To Me |
13 monnths old, slightly long in loin, good head shape, correct ears, nice neck well placed on body, very nice top line, well set and carried tail, enough deep andlong rib cage, correct angulations, moves very well
Registreringsnummer: SE48830/2022
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK R.Jun.CERT | 0946 Kritik | Gelitus Maidens Blush |
13 months old, good type, excellent length of body, feminine head and expression, excellent ears, could have a little better neck, excellent top line and tail set, good angulations, in movements a bit narrow behind
Registreringsnummer: NO51715/22
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | CK | 0943 Kritik | Nordcairn's Black Pearl |
15 months old, good proportions, typical feminine head, excellent ears, nice neck, level top line, a little low set tail, typival front, well developed rib cage, good rear angulations, very good movements
Registreringsnummer: DK10146/2022 EUJW23 HAHJV23
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0945 Kritik | Secura sweet's Beauty | |
9 months old, a little high on legs, compact in body, good head shape, still puppy expression, good top line, could have a litdtle better laid back of shoulders, moderate rear angulations, in movements a bit loose in front,
Registreringsnummer: DK19981/2022
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BTK CERT NCAC BIM | 0947 Kritik | Hjohoo's I'm Perfect For Hjo |
22 months old, eye cachting from 1st second in the ring, quite compact in body, beautiful head and expresssion, very nice neck and top line, excellent body structure, typical front, excellent angulations, eye catching movements
Registreringsnummer: SE68894/2021 AGRIAW23
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0948 Kritik | Camcairn's Dressed 4 Success | |
15 months old, good length of body, typical head shape, good expression, should have better top line, slightly steep shoulders, in movements a bit high on withers,
Registreringsnummer: DK03758/2022 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
3 | Very good VG | 0949 Kritik | Facius Choko Hot Creamy | |
18 months old, a littlew low on legs, feminine head with good expression, excellent ears, needs more neck, good top line, a little low set tail, good angulations, moves very well
Registreringsnummer: DK01680/2022
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BTK R.CERT | 0950 Kritik | Cairnsters For Your Eyes Only |
2 years old, very nice in type, super proportions in body, lovely head with beautiful feminine expression, beautiful neck well placed on body, excellent top line and tail seyt, excellent front and fore chest,corect angulations behond lovely movements
Registreringsnummer: DK23759/2021 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0953 Kritik | Camcairn's Call Me Maybe |
2 years old, medium strong, feminine head and expression, well set and carried ears, could have a little more neck, nicce top line and tail set, very good body structure, typical front, nice side movements,
Registreringsnummer: DK01170/2021 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | CK | 0952 Kritik | Bushwillow's Favourite Girl |
3 years old, excellent proportions of body, beautiful head, dark eyes with excellent expression, beautiful ears, beautiful neck and top line, excellent tail set andcarriage, super front and fore chest, well developed rib cage, excellent rear angulations, lovely movements
Registreringsnummer: DK06217/2020
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0951 Kritik | Lachleen Up To No Good | |
3 1/2 years old, good proportions of body, good head shape, dark eyes, good expression, enough long neck, good top line, could have a little better placed shoulders, moderate rear angulations, good side movements
Registreringsnummer: DK20732/2019
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BTK | 0954 Kritik | Cale Hill's Jumping Janice |
4 years old, nice in type, good proportions of body, beautiful head, nice eye shape, nice neck well placed on body, excellent body structure, correc t tail set and carriage, good front, nice movements
Registreringsnummer: DK15549/2019 DKCH DKJUCH KLBJCH ROV22 DKKJUBV22 BORNHV22 KLBCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0955 Kritik | Kaczaca's Keep An Eye On Me |
3 years old, well balanced body, good head shape, could have a little better expression, nice out line, could have a little more neck, well angulated, well developed rib cage, correct movements
Registreringsnummer: DK16199/2020 SICH DECH DKCH
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BTK R.NCAC | 0957 Kritik | Jump For Joy's Desert Rose |
9 years old, in super condition, strong female, good proportions, beautiful head and eye expression, super bodu structure,excellent tail set and carriage, in movements we do not see her age, excellent coat
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0956 Kritik | Nordcairn's I Belive I Can Fly | |
Registreringsnummer: DK09147/2011 DKCH EUVW23 KBHV16 HAHVV22 DKVV22 AGRIAVW23
Opdrætter |