Cairn Terrier |
Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 35
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 40 Dommer: Daniela Maffei |
Bedst i racen - BIR | ||||
Mr Winterbottom's Snapchat |
Katalognr.: 0094
Ejer: Anne-Mette Borg-Østerlin, Niels Borg-Østerlin Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Anne-Mette Borg-Østerlin, Niels Borg-Østerlin 7470 Karup J Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK14880/2019
Udstilling information
Klasse: Åbenklasse |
Bedst i modsat køn - BIM | ||||
Cale Hill's Meet Mr Right |
Katalognr.: 0075
Ejer: Berit Rosenfeldt, Ellen Marie Julsgaard Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Ellen Marie Julsgaard 8940 Randers Sv Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK19061/2022 BORNHJV23 DKJUCH VIJV23 ROJV23 KLBJCH HAHV24
Udstilling information
Klasse: Åbenklasse |
Bedste baby | ||||
Zalazar What A Nice Surprise |
Katalognr.: 0066
Ejer: Mette Sørum Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Mette Sørum 5690 Tommerup Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK12235/2024
Udstilling information
Klasse: Babyklasse |
Bedste hvalp | ||||
Camcairn's For Once In My Life |
Katalognr.: 0069
Ejer: Anne Mette Løgsted Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Anne Mette Løgsted 4583 Sjællands Odde Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK02227/2024
Udstilling information
Klasse: Hvalpeklasse |
Bedste veteran | ||||
Cale Hill's Dont Mess With Me |
Katalognr.: 0083
Ejer: Katrine Belahcene Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Ellen Marie Julsgaard 8940 Randers Sv Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK04968/2016 DKCH CIB KLBJCH DKV17 DKKV17 KBHV18 KLBCH VIV24 VIVV24 ROVV24 HAHVV24 BORNHVV24
Udstilling information
Klasse: Veteranklasse |
Bedste junior | ||||
Mr Winterbottom's Yrsa |
Katalognr.: 0084
Ejer: Anja Mellergaard, Rene West Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Anne-Mette Borg-Østerlin, Niels Borg-Østerlin 7470 Karup J Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK10817/2023
Udstilling information
Klasse: Juniorklasse |
Hanner | ||||
Babyklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0066 Kritik | Zalazar What A Nice Surprise |
3 months old, nice and typical puppy, correct expression for age, correct proportion for age, correct angulation front and rear, correct movement
Registreringsnummer: DK12235/2024
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0071 Kritik | Cale Hill's Our Precious Henry | |
13 months, correct teeth, correct proportion in head, very nice expression, correct coat, he needs to finish the development of chest, and in this moment the elbows aren't so close, the croup a little short, and when he moves, the tail is too vertical, a little bit open feet,
Registreringsnummer: DK14775/2023 DKJUCH HAHJV24 BORNHJV24 KLBJCH
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0072 Kritik | Asliengcairn's Always my number one | |
Registreringsnummer: DK12195/2023
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BHK BIM | 0075 Kritik | Cale Hill's Meet Mr Right |
correct teeth, masculine head, correct coat, correct devcelopment of chest, corrrect angulation front and rear, the croup is a little short, very nice bones, on the move he is very nioce in rear, a little open elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK19061/2022 BORNHJV23 DKJUCH VIJV23 ROJV23 KLBJCH HAHV24
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0073 Kritik | Sørcairn's Canis | |
2 years, correct teeth, very nice expression, correct proportion in head, he needs to complete the development of the chest, correct coat, the croup is a little short, correct angulation front and rear, on the move he is a little close rear, the elnbows are not always in place
Registreringsnummer: NO60468/22
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0074 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Komma | |
correct teeth, correct coat, correct proportion between muzzle and skull, the ears are a little far set, good development of the chest, correct loin, correct angulation front and rear, a little open frontfeet,
Registreringsnummer: DK02446/2022
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BHK | 0081 Kritik | Nordcairn's Walk Me Home |
5 years old, very masculine head, nice expression, excellent proportion in head, excellent neck, correct development of the chest, excellent bones, correct coat, good angulation front and rear, corerct move, somewhat not elbows so close
Registreringsnummer: DK11896/2019 DKCH DKV22
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BHK | 0077 Kritik | Nordcairn's You Can't Hurry Love |
4 years, very masculine head, strong, correct teeth, strong bones, excellent coat, excellent development of chest, on move correct a little open elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK20367/2020 DKCH ROV24 BORNHV24
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | CK | 0076 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Tordur |
4 years old, very nice dog, masculine, correct teeth and proportion of the head, nice expression, correct angulation in front, correct coat, correct angulation rear, excellent move
Registreringsnummer: DK19980/2020 DKCH KBHJV21 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | CK | 0080 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Barclay |
5 years old, nice to see the correct earplacement, masculine, very nice head and expression, correct development of the chest, correct coat, correct loin, very nive movement
Registreringsnummer: DK07705/2019 DKCH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0078 Kritik | Corynthean Sunspotter At Motoppen | ||
2,5 years, correct teeth, good type, masciuline, the mouth would be better if it was stronger, correct angulation in front, good development of chest, correct coat, corerct angulation in rear, a little long in loin, on move the elbows are a little bit open
Registreringsnummer: KC AZ12581102 NOCH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0079 Kritik | Zalazar Northern Star | ||
2,5 years, correct teeth, excellent expression of the breed, masculine, very nice neck, he needs to complete the development of the chest, excellent coat, medium angulation in front, correct in rear, a little open elbows on the move
Registreringsnummer: DK05752/2022 NOCH DKCH DKJUCH KLBJCH HAHJV23 CIB-J
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0082 Kritik | Tam O'shanter's Dapple Dusty | ||
4 years old,. very nice masculine expression, correct coat, correct ear, correct development of the chest, correct loin, medium bones, corerct feet, veery nice move, and very nice tailcarriage
Registreringsnummer: DK03519/2020 DKCH DKV23
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BHK BIK | 0083 Kritik | Cale Hill's Dont Mess With Me |
8,5 years, super teeth for age, very strong male, typical head and expression, correct bones, correct angulation front and rear, a little bit long in loin, excellen move
Registreringsnummer: DK04968/2016 DKCH CIB KLBJCH DKV17 DKKV17 KBHV18 KLBCH VIV24 VIVV24 ROVV24 HAHVV24 BORNHVV24
Opdrætter |
Tæver | ||||
Babyklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | 0067 Kritik | Sasjacairns Nine Million Bicycles | |
5 months old, typical puppy female, corerct expression, corerct proportion in head, the croup in this moment is a little short, the tail is a little vertical, good bones, correct coat
Registreringsnummer: DK08795/2024
Opdrætter |
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0069 Kritik | Camcairn's For Once In My Life |
almost 8 months, correct mouth, corect proportion in head, excellent expression, excellent development for age, excellent coat, correct angulation and feet,
Registreringsnummer: DK02227/2024
Opdrætter |
2 | SL SL | 0070 Kritik | Secura sweet's Daisy | |
8 months old, nice feminine puppy, correct expression, correct coat, correct development of chest for the age, a little open in frontangulation, correct in rear, good tail, on move she has a little lose elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK01076/2024
Opdrætter |
3 | SL SL | 0068 Kritik | Thestrup's Asta | |
almost 7 months, correct teeth, correct feminine type, in this moment the head must be better to have more power, correct coat, correct angulation front and rear, she needs in general to complete, correct movement
Registreringsnummer: DK04092/2024
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BTK Jun.CERT | 0084 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Yrsa |
16 months, feminine expression, correct proportion in head, good neck, correct angulation in front, she needs to complete the development of the chest, angulation in frotn and rear correct, correct feet, coerct movement, a little open elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK10817/2023
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK R.Jun.CERT | 0087 Kritik | Facius Evita Alma |
9 months old, excellent expression, correct teeth, excellent development of the head for the age, strong bones, nice development of the chest and proportion for the age, medium angulation in rear - correct in front, correct tail on move, a little open elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK00972/2024
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0088 Kritik | Nordcairn's Don't Hold Me | |
15 months, feminine head and expression, correct development for the age, good chest, correct coat, medium angulation in rear, correct in front, correct in movement, topline and a little open elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK11723/2023 BORNHJV24
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0086 Kritik | Kaczaca's One More Beauty | |
9 months, correct teeth, excellent feminine expression for the breed, she needs to complete the development of the chest, medium bones, correct coat, correct angulation front and rear, nice female that just needs to complete, om move, very very nice, tail and she is a little opne in elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK00320/2024
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0085 Kritik | Linjas Kalahari | |
Registreringsnummer: DK11600/2023
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK | 0089 Kritik | Bushwillow's I Have A Dream |
17 months, correct teeth, correct proportion in head, good feminine expression, corerct proportion between head and body, good coat, medium bones, good development of body, medium angulation, corerct move, not always the elbows are good close, correct topline and tail
Registreringsnummer: DK07142/2023 DKJUCH VIJV24 ROJV24 NORDICJCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0092 Kritik | Sasjacairns Italia |
19 months, excellent feminine breedexpression, correct proportion between neck and head, strong neck, strong bones, correct coat, good development of the chest, correct angulation front and rear, correct movement
Registreringsnummer: DK03254/2023 HAHJV24
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0093 Kritik | Kaczaca's No One Like Me | |
16 months, correct teeth, correct proportion in head, feminine, correct coat, medium bones, correct development of the chest, correct angulation, crouip a little short, om move not always the elbows corerct close
Registreringsnummer: DK08926/2023 DKJUCH KLBJCH
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0091 Kritik | Heldina's Kindly Princess | |
18 months, very feminine, very feminine head and expression, correct proportion in head, very nice coat, medium bones, medium angulation front and rear, a little long in loin, on move not always close the elbows,
Registreringsnummer: DK10218/2023
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0090 Kritik | Linjas Made By Us | |
Registreringsnummer: DK22373/2022
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BTK CERT BIR | 0094 Kritik | Mr Winterbottom's Snapchat |
5 years old, very strong female, correct teeth , correct coat, strong bones, excellent development of the body, correct croup, good angulation front and rear, very nice movements
Registreringsnummer: DK14880/2019
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0095 Kritik | Facius Choko Hot Creamy | |
almost 3 years old, feminine head, a little bit tiny the mouth, correct teeth, correct coat, medium bones, a little long in loin, on move a little open on elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK01680/2022
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0096 Kritik | Sørcairn's Candy | |
2 years, feminine, correct proportion in head, correct bones, correct chest, good coat, a little short in croup, medium angulation in front, correct in rear, a little open i elbows on the move
Registreringsnummer: NO60465/22
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BTK R.CERT | 0099 Kritik | Gelitus Maidens Blush |
2 years adn 2 months, correct teeth, very nice feminine head, correct coat, good proportion between head, body and bones, on move she is a little close rear
Registreringsnummer: NO51715/22
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK | 0097 Kritik | Cairnsters I Will Rock You |
3 years old, correct teeth, feminine, eyes a little bit too big, good chest, good bones, correct coat, a little long in loin, correct angulation front and rear, correct in movemenet
Registreringsnummer: DK24953/2021 DKCH DKJUCH HAHV23 KBHV23
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | CK | 0100 Kritik | Dreamcairn's Greta Garbo |
almost 6 years, feminine head, in general she would be more strong, correct coat, correct proportion between chest and bones, on move excellent topline, a little close rear
Registreringsnummer: DK19715/2018 DKCH SECH CZCH DKJUCH KLBJCH KLBCH
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0104 Kritik | Cale Hill's Jumping Janice | |
5 years, typical feminine head, strong substance, correct coat, good bones, good proportion between bones and chest, on move correct topline, elbows a little open
Registreringsnummer: DK15549/2019 DKCH DKJUCH KLBJCH ROV22 24 DKKJUBV22 BORNHV22 KLBCH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0098 Kritik | Stenrösets Kajsa Kavat | ||
4 years old, correct teeth, feminine expression, with correct head, but in general it would be better, if she was a little stronger, correct coat, correct development of the chest, medium bones, correct angulation, very nice movement
Registreringsnummer: SE44401/2020 NOCH SECH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0102 Kritik | Camcairn's Call Me Maybe | ||
3,9 years, feminine, good proportion in head, feminine expression, good bones, good development of chest, correct coat, good angulation front and rear, correct topline and tail, a little open in elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK01170/2021 DKCH DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0103 Kritik | Nordcairn's Black Pearl | ||
2 years, feminine, not so happy to be here, correct coat, corect teeth, good developmenmt of the chest, medium angulation, on the move she opens the elbows
Registreringsnummer: DK10146/2022 EUJW23 HAHJV23 DKV23 DKJUCH VIV24 HAHV24
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0101 Kritik | Kaczaca's La Belle | |
Registreringsnummer: DK04562/2021 DKCH
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BTK | 0105 Kritik | Glenmore's Midnight Lady |
10 years, very strong and fenminine head, nice expression, correct coat, correct angulation feront and rear, good mover, very nice female in excellent condition,
Registreringsnummer: DK18750/2014 DKCH DEVDHCH DECH KBHJV15 CIB-V DKVECH
Opdrætter |